Connected Banking

Enable frictionless operations and enhance customer experience with our low code-based, purpose-built solutions

Account Opening

  • Unified Platform for All Banking Products
  • Omnichannel and Personalized Onboarding Experience
  • Information Capture and Upload
  • Customer Verification and Risk Management
  • Activity Tracking and Monitoring
  • Seamless Integration with Third-party Systems
  • Customer Onboarding Activities


  • Consumer/Retail lending
  • Commercial lending
  • Small business lending
  • SBA lending
  • SME lending
  • Mortgage lending

Trade Finance

  • Multi-channel trade process initiation
  • Straight-through processing
  • Loan limit availability check
  • Streamlined online operations
  • Cost reduction and scalability
  • Trade process monitoring and reporting


  • Check Truncation System (CTS)
  • Signature Verification System
  • Automated Clearing House
  • Post Date Check Management System (PDCMS)
  • Mobile Check Capture System

Compliance and Reporting

  • FATCA Compliance
  • Common Reporting Standard
  • Wealth Management Reporting