ERP Solutions for Pharma Industry

Get A Head-Start In The Race Of Modern Medicines

Due to the pandemic, the already relevant pharma industry has become more relevant. Hence, manufacturing quality drugs while being time effective is of utmost importance. To achieve this goal, a modern ERP is a must for you.

IKYAM can help you in realizing your goals with our intelligent solutions, specially designed to cater to your daily business requirements. 


Let us assist you in your Digital Journey

At IKYAM, our team of experts work day in and out to provide you with the best solutions for the growth of your manufacturing business. 

Step 1

After extensive brainstorming and research, our team comes up with the best solution suited for all your business needs. So that you can focus solely on growth.

Step 2

Next we chalk out a perfect roadmap for you, so that implementation and transition to the new ERP can be a cakewalk for you.

Step 3

Our support doesn’t just ends there, we make sure to go a step ahead and provide you with assistance 24*7 even post the implementation and transition phase.


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Get better Opportunities

In recent years the pharma industry has undoubtedly emerged as one of the largest sectors in the economy. But, this industry has its fair share of challenges too. Pharma businesses function in a highly regulated and competitive environment which adds a lot of pressure on them. Plus day to day challenges like tracking unquantified and unstructured data from multiple systems, batch control and traceability, production scheduling, quality and costing, and BIN just add to the woes.

The need of the hour for pharma businesses is an intelligent ERP. SAP solutions are tailor made for pharma businesses. The modern, comprehensive ERP solutions can streamline all your businesses processes at one platform, making sure that you can function efficiently and effectively.